Observer met "Nick" at TriTown following up on the three target gulls  
reported from there yesterday.  We failed to see the Lesser Black-back Gull  but 
did have good views of a single Glaucous Gull and a single Iceland  Gull.  
We continued on to a Champlain Bridge observation joint and then on  to 
Lapham Bay Island.  Among the diving ducks and Gadwalls we were both  delighted 
and surprised to observe a pair of Barrow's Goldeneye. A lifer for  "Nick"!  
Viewing was good to excellent.  From this point we went  our separate ways!

Location:     Jones Mill Pond
Observation date:   3/12/10
Number of species:      4

Mallard     4
Hooded Merganser      4
Common Merganser     19
Red-winged Blackbird   2

Location:     Whiting
Observation date:   3/12/10
Number of species:     1

American  Kestrel     1

Location:     Bridport
Observation date:   3/12/10
Number of species:     5

Canada  Goose     32
American Wigeon      6
Mallard     3
Ring-billed Gull      220
Rock Pigeon     4

Location:     Tri-Town Water District Plant
Observation  date:     3/12/10
Number of species:      3

Bald Eagle     15
Iceland Gull      1
Glaucous Gull     1

Location:     Champlain Bridge
Observation date:   3/12/10
Notes:     Herring Gull on the ice was  having difficulty "figuring out" 
what to do with a tennis ball!
Number of  species:     14

American Black Duck      X
Mallard     X
Green-winged Teal      4
Ring-necked Duck     22
Greater Scaup      5
Lesser Scaup     4
Common Goldeneye      18
Common Merganser     14
Ring-billed Gull   60
Herring Gull (American)     6
Mourning  Dove     1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)   1
Tufted Titmouse     1
Red-winged  Blackbird     1
Location:     Lapham Bay Island
Observation date:   3/12/10
Number of species:      13

Gadwall     5
Ring-necked Duck      10
Greater Scaup     3
Lesser Scaup      13
Bufflehead     1
Common Goldeneye      17
Barrow's Goldeneye     2  [a male and a female]
Hooded Merganser     2
Ring-billed Gull   X
White-breasted Nuthatch     2
Carolina  Wren     1
Common Grackle     2
American  Goldfinch     2

Location:     Larrabees Point Access
Observation  date:     3/12/10
Notes:     Canada Goose, all  but 3 on the ice were in a flock flying north.
Number of species:   15

Canada Goose     58
Mallard   5
Bufflehead     9
Common Goldeneye   14
Hooded Merganser     14
Common  Merganser     11
Ring-billed Gull      2
Mourning Dove     1
Downy Woodpecker      1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)     1
American  Crow     4
Common Raven     2
White-breasted  Nuthatch     1
Eastern Bluebird     1
Common  Grackle     2

Location:     Shoreham
Observation date:   3/12/10
Notes:     An extensive flock of American  Robins were feeding on 
overwintered apples in a large commercial orchard on  Smith Street.
Number of species:     1

American  Robin     150

Location:     Mount Independence
Observation date:   3/12/10
Notes:     Canada Geese were in two  skeins flying north.
Number of species:     12

Canada  Goose     145
Ruffed Grouse      1
Ring-billed Gull     1
Downy Woodpecker   2
Blue Jay     2
American Crow   6
Black-capped Chickadee     15
Tufted  Titmouse     3
White-breasted Nuthatch      5
Brown Creeper     1
Cedar Waxwing      14
Red-winged Blackbird     1

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Roy Pilcher
The Gables at East Mountain, Rutland,  Vermont

Speaking the same language.