Hey all,
A doctoral student is doing a study on what motivates students from 
certain backgrounds to engage in service. He asked that we contact our 
student volunteers, to see if any of you would be interested in 
participating in this study. The survey can be accessed below.
Have an amazing (sunny) weekend!


My name is Todd Porter, and I am a doctoral student in the Educational 
Leadership and Policy Studies program at UVM. I am currently working on 
a study that examines the experiences and motivations of students who 
come from a economically disadvantaged (i.e. poor or working class) 
background that engage in university-sponsored volunteer opportunities 
that focus on economic justice. I am defining economic justice as any 
service that has a primary focus on poverty, hunger, and/or 
homelessness. I am requesting that any willing person that fits these 
parameters complete this anonymous survey . This study is only geared 
towards those who self-identify as having a background of being 
poor/working-class. Further information about the survey is listed 
below.  To access the survey, please go to: 

Thank you very much!


Todd Porter
Principal Investigator
Doctoral Student, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
University of Vermont


 *Title: *Motivations of Low-income College Students Participating in 
Economic Justice Volunteer Work

 *Principal Investigator: *Todd Porter

 *Faculty Sponsor*: Dr.* *Maureen Neumann

*You are being invited to take part in this research study because *you 
have self-identified a college student or recent alumni/a that comes 
from low-income background and currently are, or have in the past 
participated in university sponsored volunteer work specifically 
designed to work with issues of poverty, hunger, or homelessness.

_Why is This Research Study Being Conducted? _

This research is being conducted as a component of a doctoral research 
methodology course in the College of Education and Social Services at 
the University of Vermont. Research indicated that the reasoning for 
voluntarism is different amongst individuals from different class 
backgrounds, but not examined it as a focal point. Information used in 
this research will be considered for a conference presentations to 
professionals in the field of Student Affairs.

_How Many People Will Take Part In The Study? _

 A survey will be distributed that is open to any student or recent 
students at the university from marginalized class backgrounds././

_What Are The Risks and Discomforts Of The Study? _

There are no anticipated risks associated with this study.

 _What Are The Benefits of Participating In The Study? _

Assisting administrators in understand of motivations for a certain 
population that engages in community service.  

 _Are There Any Costs? _

There are no associated costs.

_What Is the Compensation? _

No Compensation is provided.

_Can You Withdraw or Be Withdrawn From This Study_

You may discontinue your participation at any time

*_Contact Information_***

You may contact Dr .Maureen Neumann , the Supervisor in charge of this 
study, at (802) 656-1422 for more information . If you have any 
questions about your rights as a participant in a research project or 
for more information on how to proceed should you believe that you have 
been injured as a result of your participation in this study you should 
contact Nancy Stalnaker, the Director of the Research Protections Office 
at the University of Vermont at 802-656-5040.

Sarah J. Heim

A*VISTA Vermont Campus Compact
Leadership and Civic Engagement Programs
University of Vermont, Student Life
Dudley H. Davis Center

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."