We've got lots of organic garlic seed available for planting this fall.  Check them out if you are interested: http://www.highmowingseeds.com/organic-garlic.html
Tom Stearns, President
High Mowing Organic Seeds www.highmowingseeds.com
76 Quarry Road
Wolcott, Vermont 05680
Join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wolcott-VT/High-Mowing-Organic-Seeds/66866610663
Also, check out The Center for an Agricultural Economy www.hardwickagriculture.org
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hardwick-VT/The-Center-for-an-Agricultural-Economy/99713028701
Blog http://hardwickagriculture.blogspot.com/
And check out Dan Rather's recent report on High Mowing and the Hardwick VT ag. scene: http://www.highmowingseeds.com/HMS-on-Dan-Rather-Reports.html
Phone: (802) 472-6174 ext. 114
Cell: (802) 224-6301 - not very reliable in rural VT yet
Fax: (802) 472-3201
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From: Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers on behalf of Cindy Maynard
Sent: Thu 5/13/2010 4:38 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: looking for garlic

We are looking for good quality seed garlic to purchase from this year's harvest.  Please contact me if you think you will have 40-50 pounds to sell.


Cindy Maynard
Waterbury, VT 05676