As reported by Ted Murin,
This morning, July 11, at the Brilyea access at the 
Dead Creek Wlildlife Management Area on Rte 17 in Addison
1 STILT SANDPIPER (breeding plumage)
1 Short-billed Dowitcher
18 Lesser Yellowlegs
38 Least Sandpiper
~5 Killdeer
3 Caspian Terns incl. 1 juv.
3 juv. Common Moorhen
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For the last few days, my Grand Isle CAROLINA WRENS have 
been incubating five eggs in their third nest of the year.
The first nest was beside the front door of my house.
The second nest was over a side door.  
This third nest was rebuilt at the first location on July 1 & 2.
    At this rate, with such a quick renesting -- (only two 
fledglings to feed) -- four broods per year might be possible!?
 In 2009, the last brood fledged on September 9th.
Dave Hoag, Grand Isle
