*Honors College*

	January 18, 2011

TO:All UVM Undergraduate Students, Staff and Faculty

FROM:S. Abu Rizvi, Dean, Honors College

RE:Undergraduate Research Spring Mini Grants; New URECA! deadline Mini 

I am pleased to announce the Undergraduate Research Spring 2011 Mini 
Grant Awards. The Mini Grants are designed to promote faculty-mentored 
undergraduate research or creative projects in all disciplines, 
including the humanities, fine arts, social sciences, professional 
studies, and the physical and life sciences.All full-time undergraduate 
students are eligible and any member of the UVM faculty may act as a mentor.

Students should submit an application cover page, a 2-3 page narrative 
describing the nature of their research project, budget information, and 
an endorsement by the faculty mentor.The proposal may be an extension of 
an existing research project or one newly developed. Students who have 
previously received a Mini Grant must detail how the proposed research 
differs from or extends previously funded research. Detailed information 
about the application process, including additional guidelines, is 
available at:http://www.uvm.edu/ugresearch/?Page=grants.html

Proposals are due by 4pm on *February 18, 2011*.In fairness to all 
applicants, no late submissions will be accepted and only complete 
applications will be reviewed.

A faculty committee evaluates proposals.Proposals will be considered on 
the basis of their quality and the value of the research or creative 
experience for the student.Students selected for the program will each 
receive up to $500 for operating expenses.

_URECA! 2011 Update_

To allow for adequate preparation of applications, the due date for the 
Spring 2011 URECA! applications has been extended to*March 4, 2011* at 4 
p.m. Please remember that only electronic submissions will be accepted. 
To review the guidelines for submission see: 

Any questions about the program may be directed to Ann Kroll Lerner, 
Undergraduate Research Coordinator, at [log in to unmask] or 656-5533.