

I am in need of a chapter entitled "Drug induced congestive heart
failure" by Tsuyuki from the book "Drug-induced diseases: prevention,
detection, and management" edited by Tisdale, JE published by ASHP 2005.


 Unfortunately my patron is unable to wait for a copy to be sent to us.
If someone is able to provide me with a copy of this chapter I will send
a Docline request.  I can pay up to $15.00 for the chapter.


Thank you for your assistance.




Janice Thompson  

William Osler Health Centre 

Brampton Civic Hospital

Health Sciences Library

2100 Bovaird Drive East,

Brampton, ON

Canada L6R 3J7


905-494-2120 ext. 58794

905-494-6641 fax

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Docline ONCPPE


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