Got low bandwidth? Can't make Internet
debate videos work for you? Want sound files to listen to while
you commute?
Try these.
During the World Debate Forum
held in Botswana in January 2011 many
African debate organizers said that they needed basic training
materials, but that the poor conditions of local Internet connectivity made it
difficult for them to use videos. As a solution, I volunteered
to take a good number of our video training files and turn
them into audio only, then organize them and make them available for download.
Thanks to the World
Debate Institute and Debate
Central for making this project possible.
Here are presentations from the
World Schools Debate Academy, International Debate Academy,
East Debate Institute, the World Debate Institute's world
schools session and the Serbia Debate Academty.I have also
included two WUDC format debates from the USA and two WSDC format debates from
Europe. They are avaiulable as mp3 files. Download them, load them up in anymp3
player, and enjoy.
The categories include: General
Debate Subjects, WUDC Format, WSDC Format. Both instructional
lectures and sample debates are included. 41 sounds files are
now available.
Alfred C. Snider aka Tuna
Edwin Lawrence Professor of Forensics, University of Vermont
Huber House, 475 Main Street, UVM, Burlington, VT 05405 USA
Lawrence Debate Union
Global Debate Blog
Debate Central;
802-656-0097 office; 802-238-8345 mobile;802-656-4275 fax