Great Volunteer Opportunity!

Join your community in this city-wide waterfront clean up effort on Saturday, June 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  At this clean up, volunteers will assist their neighbors and City staff with the removal and sorting of driftwood and debris from the water's edge. Clean wood will be brought to the McNeil Generating Plant for reuse. Volunteers will choose one of five locations to dedicate their energies toward:

·         North Beach (check in at the bathhouse)

·         Urban Reserve (check in at Waterfront Dog Park)

·         Waterfront (check in at Waterfront Information Center)

·         Perkins and Roundhouse (check in at Perkins parking Lot)

·         Oakledge Park (check in at Lower Shelter)


INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS ARE WELCOME -- Groups interested in helping should RSVP in advance for planning purposes. Volunteers should come dressed for the weather and equipped with gloves, toed shoes, and a water bottle. Wheelbarrows and push carts are helpful.  Adult volunteers and teens age 14 or older with an adult are welcome.

More information:  Dan Cahill, [log in to unmask] or call 864-0123.  NOTE: A flyer is also attached if you would like to post it.





The Colchester - Milton Rotary is organizing their community to assist with the clean up from the unprecedented flooding of the Colchester Waterfront. Volunteers will gather on June 25 (8-8) & June 26 (10-5); parking at Colchester High School and Middle School. Join this two day effort to help friends and neighbors remove debris from neighborhoods and beaches as well as preserve our twenty-seven miles of shoreline.  Professionals will be on site with heavy equipment. Transportation to the staging area, water & food will be provided. Adult volunteers and children age 7 or older with an adult are welcome.  Volunteers can fill out the online form located at






Contact the United Way of Chittenden County Volunteer Center (UWCCVC) at (802) 860-1677 or email [log in to unmask].

The three programs of the UWCCVC are the Volunteer Connection, RSVP of Chittenden County and the Foster Grandparent Program.

The United Way of Chittenden County Volunteer Center is funded through donations to the United Way of Chittencen County Community Campaign; federal, state and local grants; the McClure Supporting Organization, the Argosy Foundation, and other foundations.


To login:

  1. Go to
  2. Nonprofit name: The Campus Kitchen At UVM
  3. Enter your password

Alternatively, you can visit the following URL and simply enter your password:

If you have forgotten your password, please visit the following URL to retrieve your password online:

The Campus Kitchen at UVM

Davis Center
590 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05405

Teach. Reach. Feed. Lead.