Good Morning all - I just had a physician ask me about NEJM offering
"slides" of tables, or other illustrations from journal articles that
can be used/imported for use in papers, lectures, etc. Supposedly, they
appear somewhere in the electronic article and are ready for capturing.
I am not familiar with this.  He thought maybe it could be a special
service that we would pay for, and that maybe our subscription does not
cover this service. (?)
Is this something any of you are familiar with?  I pulled up the
article he was referring to, and there are numerous tables and figures
that he wants to use for a lecture. (January 6, 2011 issue, page 11) I
could not find any indication that the illustrations could be used.  
I told him I would look into this for him. 
ALSO.....A few years ago, NEJM offered videos of certain procedures
that we could click on and view.  It was in a column on the title page. 
Has this gone away?  I have not seen it in a while.  just wondering if I
missed any notification if it was discontinued.
If anybody can help me with these questions, I thank you immensely in
What a way to start the day!
Mary Loftis
Metro Health Hospital
Skytron Health Library
5900 Byron Center SW
Wyoming, MI  49519
fax: 616-252-0025
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