Concerns about the security risks -- and privacy risks -- of phones and other mobile devices are making the news more and more often. Revelations that apps line Path and Hipster are sending contact lists and other private information off to vendors (or worse) can leave those of us relying on mobile devices wondering what to do. This month's Ouch! newsletter covers app security and offers suggestions for protection. You can download it, in English and other languages, at the links in the forwarded email below. An earlier Ouch! newsletter on smartphone security also gives helpful advice: (see "February - Using Your Smartphone Securely!") Is this information helpful? Please let me know. Thanks! Best, Dean > From: [log in to unmask] > Date: February 9, 2012 8:42:39 AM EST > Subject: Ouch! February 2012 > > Folks, > > We are excited to announce the February issue of OUCH! This month, led > by Guest Editor Kevin Johnson, we cover mobile app security. Instead > of focusing just on the device itself, we explain the risks of using > apps and how to install, configure and use them safely. > > English > > > Translations & Archives > > > In addition, if you are interested in learning more about mobile > device security and really want to dive into the technical details, > consider SANS' Mobile Device Security summit, held this 12-15 March. > > > Thanks! > > Lance Spitzner > Training Director, SANS Securing The Human Program > Mobile: +1.708.557.6006 > Skype/Twitter: lspitzner > Blog: > ----------------------------------- Dean Williams Information Security Officer Enterprise Technology Services [log in to unmask] | 802-656-1174 Don't become a phishing victim! UVM and other reputable organizations will never use email to request that you reply with your password, Social Security Number, date of birth or confidential personal information. Never reply to an email with your password, SSN, date of birth, or any other confidential personal information. Never enter your UVM Net-ID password on a non-UVM web page.