Hi gang! I?m helping to spread the word: Music-COMP (aka the Vermont MIDI Project) is looking for donations to help fund the Opus 24 concert, which consists entirely of original student works from participants in grades 4-12. I've been trying to find folks to donate, and I am hoping that you might as well. So, if you have friends, family, know business owners in the area or back home, or can think of anyone else who would be interested in supporting the arts, please, PLEASE hook them up with the link below. Or, if you want to be bold, you can spread the word by posting the link and a little blurb about it as your FB status. You're also doing the UVM Music Department a favor, as we collaborate with Music-COMP as part of our methods courses Thanks for helping a great cause! The link: http://kck.st/wAzwrT -Andy