On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Meany, John
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
No. 17 in a series of debate tournament reforms
• Abdication & Refusal
CA and DCA positions are disproportionately held by men. In fact, it is a quite shockingly high percentage. Despite complaints over the years, the condition persists. The issue matters a great deal (as anyone might discover with even a cursory examination of varied literatures on discrimination and the influence of diversity on inclusion, fairness, decision-making). There is an easy remedy. All men should abdicate accepted CA/DCA positions. No man should apply for a CA/DCA position. Problem solved. Private decisions could readily resolve a sustained social problem. After 10 years of this remedy for past discrimination, men might once again consider applying as a CA/DCA. Sometime around September 15, 2022. Until then, male inclusion as CA/DCAs is an opportunity cost.
John Meany
Claremont Colleges Debate Union
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