Hi Everyone,

Food Day was started by the Real Food Challenge as a nationwide  
celebration and a movement toward more healthy, affordable, and  
sustainable food! There will be a localvore entree available at all  
dining locations across campus for both lunch and dinner - the  
mouthwatering menu is attached!

I thought you might also be interested in the event we have to  
celebrate Food Day tomorrow, it includes a FREE local foods reception!
*The Impact of Local Food Purchasing Panel*
Chittenden Bank Room, 4th floor Davis Center, 4:30-5:30pm
Moderated by Dr. Berlin of the Sustainable Agriculture Center with  
panelists from Mad River Food Hub, The Intervale, Sunrise Orchards,  
Black River Produce, Vermont Food Venture Center & Sodexo.

We hope to see you all there - please forward widely!


More info: http://www.foodday.org/about
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/483127228386147/
Food Day event:  