____________________________________ From: [log in to unmask] To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] Sent: 12/10/2012 1:05:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: [gsfc-nasavt] FW: Student Spaceflight Experiments Program SUBJECT LINE: For Your District: New 2013 Student Experiments Opp. (G5-12) on International Space Station December 4, 2012 Announcing the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) Sixth Flight Opportunity - SSEP Mission 4 to the International Space Station for 2013 We Are Truly Inviting YOUR Students to be Real Researchers, and Your Community to Be Part of America’s Space Program Opportunity for Schools and Districts to Engage Their Grade 5-12 Students in Very Real Microgravity Experiment Design for Flight to the International Space Station (ISS) MILESTONE DATES: February 25 to April 29, 2013: 9-Week Experiment Design Phase in Your Community May 30, 2013: Selection of Your Community’s Flight Experiment mid-October 2013: Ferry Flight to ISS mid-November 2013: Ferry Flight Return to Earth early July 2013, and 2014: National Conference in Washington, DC TIME CRITICAL: ALL INTERESTED COMMUNITIES ARE ASKED TO READ THIS EMAIL CAREFULLY AND INQUIRE BY DECEMBER 31, 2012; schools and districts need to assess interest with their staff and, if appropriate, move forward with an Implementation Plan. DEADLINE FOR COMMUNITIES TO BE ABOARD (approved Implementation Plan and funded): February 18, 2013. To meet this deadline, the Center needs to begin working with interested communities as soon as possible. NEXT STEPS - WE ARE ON A FAST TRACK: 1. CAREFULLY read the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program home page (link below), which includes links to all aspects of the program, including program operations, how to participate, profiles of the 51 communities participating to date, and summaries of all selected flight experiments. Also below are the links to extensive media coverage, and program testimonials from community leadership. 2. Contact us via the SSEP home page, or call Jeff Goldstein directly at: 301-395-0770 SSEP HOMEPAGE: _http://ssep.ncesse.org_ (http://ssep.ncesse.org/) MEDIA COVERAGE: _http://ssep.ncesse.org/communities/in-the-news/_ (http://ssep.ncesse.org/communities/in-the-news/) TESTIMONIALS: _http://ssep.ncesse.org/communities/in-our-own-words/_ (http://ssep.ncesse.org/communities/in-our-own-words/) Be part of history by making history CONTACT: Dr. Jeff Goldstein, Center Director and SSEP Program Creator Cell: 301-395-0770 or [log in to unmask] (mip:[log in to unmask]) National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) _http://ncesse.org_ (http://ncesse.org/) PO Box 3806 Capitol Heights, Maryland 20791