Hope everyone had a nice, relaxing break and were able to make it to the mountains!
We've got a lot planned this semester for you guys, and we're gonna kick it off with a
We will be going over buses, future trips and we will be showing video recapping the SSC Jackson Hole Trip
! Of course, we've got some other stuff lined up as well, like another RAFFLE!!
Prizes include sessions at Green Mountain Freestyle Center, Lift Tickets, a pair of SKIS and a SNOWBOARD!
The meeting will start at 7 PM in the GRAND MAPLE BALLROOM, doors at 6:45.
Everyone who brings their membership card will be given a raffle ticket...SO BRING YOUR CARDS! THESE PRIZES ARE SICK!
We will also go over officer applications! A few of us will be graduating come May,so some positions will be opening up!
We will be doing a GRAPFRUIT CHALLANGE (you tube it) ! We are looking for three teams of five, so if you're interested, email Hailey Ronconi at [log in to unmask] with your team!!
Tell your friends and SEE YOU THIS WEDNESDAY!
Over break, the amazing Paolo Rossi made your lives so much easier: He put together an events calendar for you guys!
Included in it is the BUS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEKENDS!!! Download it, save it, write it down, do whatever you need to do...but.... ALL THE INFO ABOUT BUSES IS IN THIS PDF! Check out the list for all kinds of events that are happening at the mountain, some include cheap lift ticket discounts....!!
it is attached as a PDF.
Buses leave from the Patrick Gym Circle. THEY LEAVE AT DIFFERENT TIMES SO LOOK AT THE PDF! Here is a schedule of times for THIS WEEK
7:00 am Smuggs Bus
8:00 am Stowe Bus
8:00 am Sugarbush/Mad River Bus
8:00 am Jay Peak Bus
8:20 Bolton Bus
Also starting JANUARY 22, we will be having SSC Movie Night at Brennan's! We will be showing ski or snowboard movies every other tuesday starting January 22.
Can't wait to see all you guys at the SECOND GENERAL MEETING THIS WEDNESDAY at 7pm in the GRAND MAPLE BALLROOM!