On 2/19/13 7:52 AM, Patrick Brown wrote:
> Friends -
> Allen and I need to receive some feedback from the Davis Advisory 
> Committee as we are looking ahead to some ideas related to tenant 
> spaces in the building for next fall.  Right now we are looking at a 
> 60 to 90 minute block of time on MARCH 1 from Noon to 5 PM.
> Please let me know ASAP if you can make any time on that afternoon.  I 
> know it is the last Friday before Spring Break.
> Thanks!
> Pat
> ------------------------
> Patrick Brown
> Director of Student Life and the
> Dudley H. Davis Center
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> (802) 656-2060
> The Department of Student Life's mission is to foster an inclusive 
> culture of student leadership development, community involvement, and 
> programming in order to develop a socially just community of lifelong 
> learners.
I will be able to make it any time after 12:00 on Fridays.

Aya AL-Namee
[log in to unmask]
Student Government Association
university of Vermont