You're Invited!!!
You are invited to several upcoming opportunities that can benefit your professional development and support your fellow classmates.
Please peruse the possibilities below and email me on the events that require a response.
Wednesday, May 1 at 3:00 p.m.
Lobby (or Courtyard) of Music Building
Woodwind Techniques Final
Support your fellow classmates as they perform their final exam!
Monday, May 6 at 4:00 p.m.
Computer Lab
Student Teacher Portfolio Presentations
Support the Spring student teachers by attending their portfolio presentations!
If you are planning to student teach next year, this is an opportunity to see your final expectations.
If you are not planning to student teach next year, it is never too early to start.
Tuesday, May 7 at 7:30
Instrumental Methods Final
Support your fellow classmates by participating in their final band rehearsal teaching episode!
The music is mostly at an elementary or middle school level, so you do not have to perform on a primary instrument to participate.
Please email Thies ([log in to unmask]) if you are available to participate by Wednesday, May 1 so we can have music ready for you.
Sunday, June 2
Time and Place Pending
UVM College of Medicine 'Music Day'
This opportunity allows you to interact and provide children with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to practice social and communication skills.
Please email Thies ([log in to unmask]) if you are interested in participating by Wednesday, May 1.
Tamara T. Thies
Lecturer in Music Education
The University of Vermont
A311 Music Building
384 S. Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05405
802-656-7770 (office)
515-341-4669 (cell)