Persistent low water on the Connecticut River north of Wilder Dam hasn't 
produced much shorebird fallout in the past few days, but this morning 
yielded a nice surprise, with a male Wilson's Phalarope on exposed flats 
just south of the Ompompanoosuc Rivermouth.  The bird was present 
throughout the day, and many birders had a chance to observe it.  As far 
as I can tell, this is the first record for the species in eastern VT.

The only other migrants I found were 17 Semipalmated Plovers and 1 Least 
Sandpiper on the flats below Ledyard Bridge.


Chris Rimmer
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
P.O. Box 420
Norwich, VT 05055
802-649-8281 ext. 1