In order of observation:

Leicester Junction:
Warbling Vireo 1

Cornwall Swamp:
Northern Waterthrush  6 [Along Swamp Road.  I may have missed a couple!!]
Yellow Warbler  1
Solitary Sandpiper  2
Greater Yellowlegs  1
Spotted Sandpiper  2
Wilson's Snipe  1
Wood Duck  11
Green-winged Teal  21
Ring-necked Duck  16
Pied-billed Grebe  1

Cornwall/Whiting Line off Route 30
Bank Swallows  50 cavities/10 observed [scoped] in use over five minutes.  Probably more in use.

Half Moon Pond State Park:
Northern Waterthrush  1
Ring-necked Duck  52

Cheers, Roy Pilcher