How nice for you, and you  did fit in some birds anyway!
On 2013-05-31, at 9:13 PM, Roy Pilcher wrote:

> Most of us who spend  a reasonable amount of time birding have from time to time welcomed a non-birding experience.  Today was such a day!  
> In a field a doe. 
> Not any doe but a doe with a fawn.  
> Not any doe with a fawn but a doe with a suckling fawn!  
> Very nice!                                    
> [I did manage an image or two!]
> Shortly thereafter, a birding surprise, a gathering of 8-10 Cliff Swallows collecting mud.
> Cheers, Roy Pilcher

Eve Ticknor
Box 2206
Prescott, On  K0E 1T0
res: 613-925-5528
cell: 613-859-9545

Box 122, 35 Elm St
Essex, NY  12936

"Change how you see, not how you look."