Hi Christian,

I am the managing editor of the Vermont Cynic, and I, too, was  
concerned about UVM's lack of explanation as to why it did not send  
out an updated press release to students. Would you be willing to  
speak to me on the record about your concerns when an incident like  
this happens, and what you see as being particularly dangerous for  
students involved? I have put in calls to Police Services asking what  
their usual protocol is in this instance, and why they would not alert  
students that the man pictured is not a sexual assault assailant given  
that this information is false and potentially damaging. Please give  
me a call today at (401) 867-0848 or if you email me back and I can  
shoot you an email with specific questions if it is more convenient  
for you to email me your statements.

Quoting Christian Stuart Matthews <[log in to unmask]>:

> http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20130926/NEWS07/309260032/Police-say-St-Michael-s-student-made-false-sexual-assault-report
> Also, very insulting that UVM Police Services sent out a blast email  
> when they were looking for the suspect, but not when this new  
> information came out. The innocent victim's name needs to be  
> cleared. I urge you all to email UVM Police Services and request  
> them to send out their updated press release regarding this false  
> accusation.
> Lesson learned: Just another instance of why we should wait for an  
> investigation to occur before assuming guilt.
> Christian
> -- 
> Christian Matthews
> Senator, Student Action Committee 2012-2013
> Student Government Association
> (703)-655-9364
> [log in to unmask]