Hi all,

There were at least 25 birders on the mountain today including the group from Rutland.
My personal highlight was the chocolate chip cookie that Sue Elliott offered me while I
was having my lunch. The migration movement was a little slow at times but we did get 
to see some decent sized "kettles" of Broad-wings and also got to see some fairly 
close looks at several other species. I think that everyone had a good time up there and 
the weather was simply beautiful. (10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Our count: (8 raptor species) 

Osprey- 12
Bald Eagle- 9
Northern Harrier- 4
Sharp-shinned Hawk- 1
Cooper's Hawk- 1
Red-shouldered Hawk- 1
Broad-winged Hawk- 323
Red-tailed Hawk- 2
Unidentified Raptors- 10

I thought that I should include a couple of species that I saw in The Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge 
at 8:10 this morning:

Cackling Goose- 1 (flying south with 14 Canada Geese)
Field Sparrow- 15

Enjoy Birds and your fellow Birders,

Jim Mead