Hi all, I went to the Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge this morning (from 7:08 a.m. to 8:29 a.m.) It was very quiet walking out but I kept going. I got to station #8 (has the bench and the trail goes to the left and to the right). I took the trail to the left which comes out to a field on the left or west side of trail. Going a little more (about half way across that same field), I took a right onto a road which goes through the center of another field. I walked up to the island of trees on the north side of the road and in the middle of that field. I was looking at the island of trees and phishing to try to see a few sparrows (there were none), when a bird in the distance caught my eye. It was atop a dead tree in the middle of the treeline on the north edge of same field. It was hawking (insects I presume) and going back to the same perch atop that same tree. I knew it had to be a flycatcher and even thought Olive-sided because of its' size. It seemed a bit big to be an Eastern Wood-Pewee. I wasn't sure though because it was far enough away that I could not ID it using my bins and I didn't have my scope with me. I decided to walk across that field to get a closer look and was glad I did because it was indeed an Olive-sided Flycatcher. There were a few Eastern Wood-Pewees singing but this flycatcher was not making a sound. I had to ID it visually. It had a dark bill, head, face, nape, upperside and vest. It showed white from its' throat, through the breast & belly & down to the base of its' tail. The underside of the tail was dark. I even noticed a very small "tooth" at the tip of the upper mandible, pointing down over the tip of the lower mandible. It was also looking in all directions rather franticly, searching for its' next victim. I watched it fly around for about 20 seconds and when it retuned, it looked like it had caught a Japanese Beetle (but I am not positive on the ID of the insect). This date is certainly the latest that I have ever seen one of these and it is also the first time that I ever saw one in the Charlotte Park. On my way back to the parking area I found a few warblers: Chestnut-sided Warbler- 2 Magnolia Warbler- 2 Black-throated Green Warbler- 1 Blackburnian Warbler- 1 Blackpoll Warbler- 2 Black-and-white Warbler- 1 (heard then seen) American Redstart- 1 Common Yellowthroat- 3 Enjoy Birds, Jim Mead