Fri 4/25 7:30-9 pm
at the Shrewsbury Library, 98 Town Hill Rd, Cuttingsville, VT
FREE and open to all
Permaculture 101: Cultivating
Ecological Lives and Landscapes with Permaculture
Permaculture offers a design system to help meet our needs
in our own backyards while at the same time
working to revitalize them. Rooted in a set of adaptive
principles, permaculture thinking encourages us to look at the
world through a new lens where problems become solutions
embedded in endless possibilities that help guide our
decision-making. Learn about the fundamentals of permaculture
design through design case studies, applied techniques, and
anecdotes, and discover the ways this applied science can help
you create diverse, productive, resilient landscapes and
cultivate a vision of an ecological culture.
Sat 4/26,
9 am-5 pm
at 224 Frank Lord Road, Shrewsbury
Sliding scale fee
Permaculture Site Analysis and Design Charrette
The art of ecological design is a conversation between
humans and landscape. In this day-long intensive, learn how
to facilitate that conversation in a real world setting.
Using the lens of permaculture, we'll analyze and assess our
host landscape, taking note of the resources, opportunities,
challenges, and ecological realities it presents. Then
synthesize this information, working to tell the 'story of the
site' - which ultimately serves as the foundational framework
for permaculture design. With this newfound knowledge, we'll
work together to develop novel design concepts that respond to
the realities of the landscape and the needs of our clients,
creating a harmoniously integrated solution set. And finally
return home from this workshop with a systematic process and
toolset to help you approach design for your own backyard,
farm, homestead, or community.
Pre-registration required for Saturday's event. To register,
email your name and contact info to
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or call
Presented by Mark Krawczyk. Mark Krawczyk is a permaculture
designer, traditional woodworker, natural builder and
community organizer who has begun to build a resilient
homestead in New Haven, VT. He owns and operates Keyline
Vermont - a permaculture design/consulting
business, RivenWoodCrafts - a traditional woodcraft company,
is a member of Seven Generations Natural Builders and is a
founding member of the community group
Burlington Permaculture.