NSF is looking to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical trials to commercialization. They have developed the
NSF I-Corps, which is a $50k team grant for PIs who have received NSF research in the last 5 years to identify commercial applications for their technology and offers entrepreneurial training to participating teams. This is a relatively new program
and Rutgers currently has 6 teams. Engineering has one, and they raved about it and said “It changed the way I think about teaching.” There is an info session this Tuesday, December 9th, at 9:30am at the Busch Student Center, Room 174. Please
register below if interested. I hope to see you there!
NSF I-Corps Information Session at Rutgers - All
Rutgers faculty, students and staff are welcome to attend
What: Learn about the I-Corps program to support academic entrepreneurs
When: Tuesday, December 9th 9:30 am
Where: Busch Student Center, Room 174, Piscataway, NJ
Why: Commercialize your research, meet other entrepreneurs, and hear success stories from
previous Rutgers I-Corps participants
Who should attend: Researchers who received NSF funding in the past five years, those waiting on current NSF funding or looking to apply to NSF; graduate students or post-docs working with NSF-funded researchers, grant facilitators or anyone
interested in learning more about the program.
Register Here
What is I-Corps?
NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Provides $50,000 grants to NSF-funded researchers to identify valuable commercial applications for their technology, and offers entrepreneurial training to participating teams. The program provides
research tools, skills, and resources you need to turn your research into a startup venture. The ultimate goal is to create new startups from research. In cases where there isn’t a strong market potential, this program helps teams learn this as quickly and
inexpensively as possible.
I-Corps graduates receive the following benefits/follow these paths:
· A business plan suitable for review by third-party investors
· Students prepared to be entrepreneurially competitive
· New curriculum development or improvement in current curriculum
· Technology license to a U.S. company
· SBIR/STTR Phase 1 grants (68% vs. 14%) likelihood of receiving award
· New start-up business
· Angel/VC funding
9:30 am - 10:00 am Registration and Networking
10:00 am - 10:05 am Welcome and Opening Remarks
10:05 am - 10:50 am: The ABCs of NSF's I-Corps, Christina Pellicane, MBS, Manager, NYC Regional Innovation Node, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, City University Of New York
10:30 am - 10:45 am: My Experience as an I-Corps Primary Inventor - Dunbar Birnie, Ph.D., Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
10:45 am - 11:00 pm: The I-Corps through the Eyes of an Entrepreneurial Lead - Jillian Nguyen, PhD Candidate in the Graduate Program in Neuroscience, 2012 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Recipient
11:00 pm - 11:30 pm: Questions & Answers
11:30 pm - 12:00 pm: Networking
Register Here
If you have a question about the Information Session, please contact Lori Dars [log in to unmask]
or 848-932-4481
Sponsored by: Rutgers Office of New Ventures & Entrepreneurship
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