Hey everyone!

Great meeting tonight and thanks to all of our new members for coming out tonight! It looks like meetings will be held on Monday nights at around 6:30p from this point on. I have attached two helpful links at the end of this email. Below are a link to our google drive page and also a link to our minutes from tonight's meeting.

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B25pDQrjhu_bZjZiNzAyMzYtOWM5OC00ODJkLWIyYjEtZjU3MTBkNTc4NDMz&usp=sharing

Minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pgx2OAxq2b5YzQiGY91Dq2Q4m97vCmEx8SSd6OfQCg0/edit?usp=sharing
