Thanks, John.

I have to say that the refreshments, meals and amenities at the Claremont tournaments are about the best there are.

I will hope to be adequate in tab this year.

Vermont will be there.


On 9/11/15 9:23 PM, Meany, John wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
For those requesting the invitation, it is attached.

Core Information
Friday-Sunday, October 9-11
8 preliminary debates (3 on Friday, beginning 1:00 PM; 5 on Saturday; 2-3 elims on Sunday)

Multiple national champions (overall, community college, undergraduate, graduate/professional school, novice – first year of BP debate, new – first year of debate) 

Outstanding tournament amenities

Fair and fast tournament procedures (merit-based; on time performance)

Open adjudication in all debates

Exceptional topics for preparation for subsequent debating

Questions? Please contact

John Meany, [log in to unmask], Director, Claremont Colleges Debate Union

Lauren Phillips, [log in to unmask], Administrative Assistant, Claremont Colleges Debate Union

Best regards,


Alfred Charles Snider aka Tuna
Edwin Lawrence Professor of Forensics, University of Vermont
Director, Lawrence Debate Union; Director, World Debate Institute
475 Main Street, UVM, Burlington, VT 05405 USA
802-238-8345 mobile, 802-656-0097 office
@asnider Twitter