Hi Camilla,
You might already know of the work of Ricarda Steinbrecher in England. If
not, you can contact her by searching her name on the internet.
Also, Les Levidow.
Mitchel Cohen
At 11:15 AM 2/3/2016, you wrote:
Dear all,
I am a PhD researcher in geography at King’s College London carrying out
research into dialectical biology and what it means for debates within
the social sciences, particularly for how geographers think about the
If you are a biologist from any area of biology and consider yourself
influenced by dialectical ideas in general or by the work of Levins and
Lewontin I would really like to speak to you. I would like to interview
you at a time and place convenient to you (most likely by Skype/phone if
you are not UK based).
If you can spare 30 minutes to an hour it would help me get an accurate
impression of what dialectics means to biologists. I hope it will also be
an opportunity for you to share your ideas with a new audience. My
research is approved by the ethical committee at King’s and I will send
you an information sheet and a short consent form to sign. I’d be happy
to answer any questions you might have about the research.
Please get in touch by email
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Camilla Royle
Department of
King's College London,
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS
follow me on
Lead essay: Remembering Richard
Levins .... The Struggle for Ecological Agriculture in Cuba.
The Permanent Carnival.
Lead poem in Mitchel Cohen's book by the same name.
Give a listen!
Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect
There is a crack, a crack in everything, That's how the light gets
~ Leonard Cohen