Studying Abroad + Voyager Europe + Friends = Perfect! ✈🙏

A multi-country Study Abroad Program

The only thing better than studying abroad with Voyager Europe is experiencing our program with your friends!

Through the end of March, students from the same University or Campus Organization that apply to the Voyager Europe Program, can qualify for the Bring-a-Buddy Bonus. With this bonus, each program participant from the same University or Campus Organization can receive a $500 reduction in tuition and fees.

Apply Now!

The Bring-a-Buddy $500 Bonus can be combined with the $1,000 Generation Study Abroad Incentive Scholarship for all accepted applicants that apply by March 31, 2016.

Are you ready to Study Abroad
in Europe this summer?

Apply Now - Don’t Miss out!

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For more information, please visit our website at or send us an email to [log in to unmask]. We look forward to speaking with you and helping provide you with a summer that you will never forget!


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Our mailing address is:
Voyager Europe
1031 Alhambra Circle
Coral Gables, Fl 33134

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