It's Wheel of a Deal Wednesday! [] [] <> [] <> [] <> [] [] <> [] [] <> "Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations." ~Earl Nightingale [Training Wheels Logo]<> Wheel of a Deal Wednesday The Spokesperson E-Newsletter Tips for Trainers A Note from the Big Wheel... Facilitator Tip: Managing Expectations [] Sometimes my tips come from recent experiences. Recently I attended a University graduation ceremony for a friend. We flew to the east coast to celebrate with her for the weekend. The schedule indicated that graduates should be there by 8:00am and the ceremony would start at 9:30am. As a participant/spectator in this event, I assumed the ceremony would last a few hours. Six and a half hours later we left sunburnt, dehydrated, hungry and frustrated instead of feeling inspired and excited by the speeches and the event. Reflecting back over the experience now my expectations for the event were based on previous experience at university graduations. My own graduation ceremonies have never been over 2 hours in length, even my University graduations. That was my expectation. When it was not met and the experience was less-than-fun, my attitude definitely soured. Sometimes in the training world, our participants come to our programs with previous experience with teambuilding programs that influence their attitudes. Some participants are excited are expect a good time. Others come with heavy eye rolling and expect the experience to be less-than-fun. Having a conversation with participants at the beginning to lay out the expectations is an important piece of your introduction. It sets the tone and helps manage the expectations in the room. After laying out those expectations, make sure your actions match your words. Have fun out there, [Michelle Cummings]<> Michelle Michelle Cummings Owner/Trainer/Big Wheel Training Wheels Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer Personify Leadership Announcement! Free domestic shipping at Training Wheels! [Boxes on Wheels] Want Free Shipping? Just this week we added a free domestic ground shipping option within the USA on all orders over $100. I dislike paying for shipping as much as you do, but the reality is that shipping costs are REAL! If you'd like free shipping, place a minimum $100 order and select the 'free shipping' option when checking out. So load up that cart with all kinds of great tools to enhance your team building programs! For our international friends, sometimes our Online Store does not give an accurate shipping quote. Feel free to email us your mailing address and desired items and we can send you a quote. Send your request to [log in to unmask] Ship away! Wheel of a Deal: On Sale this Week... Experiential Toolbox Open Enrollment [Training Wheels program] Do you need more tools for your facilitator toolbox? Have you ever wanted to attend one of Michelle Cummings' workshops? Now you can! Join her in Manhattan, KS on November 4th! This workshop will be full of fun and learning, focusing on Icebreakers, Problem Solving activities, Facilitation Tips and Effective Debriefing. Regular Price: $100.00 On Sale: $90.00 through Sept 15. Click here<> for more info or to order. Leadership Thumball [Leadership Thumball] The Leadership Thumball was designed to help organizations and individuals reflect and share thoughts about their leadership. There are 32 different leadership questions pre-printed on the panels of the ball. The Leadership Thumball was designed to help facilitators ask participants thoughtful questions about Leadership. The questions can be answered in a group setting or used with individuals on a specific leadership path. Ice breaker: Invite each participant to find a partner. Toss the ball to one participant and ask them to announce the question under their thumb. Have each pair share their response to the question announced. After a few minutes of discussion time, toss the ball to a new participant and repeat the process. Encourage 3-4 discussion questions. Leadership Discussions: Invite participants to get into a circle. Ask participants to toss the Thumball to another participant. This person should catch it, look under their thumb and respond to the question found there. We recommend one Leadership Thumball for every 10 participants. Regular Price: $23.99 On Sale: $18.99 Click here<> for more info or to order. Leadership Wheelies [Leadership Wheelies] There are 65 amazing questions for Leadership in this deck. There are multiple ways to use these cards! Here are a few ideas: Ice breaker exchange: Hand one card to each participant. Ask them to find a partner and share their response to the question on their card. After the two have each shared their response, have them exchange cards and find a new partner. Encourage 3-4 partner exchanges. Journaling: There are 65 cards in this deck. Pick one card each week and spend a minimum of 15 minutes journaling thoughts about their leadership. Keep all of your writings in one location to look back and see how much you grow as a leader each year. 65 Cards in the set. Packaged in a plastic container. Instructions included. Regular Price $24.99 On Sale: $18.99 Click here<> for more information or to order. Social Media Sites [Social Media icons] Make sure to 'Like' us on Facebook<>! We post coupons, activity ideas and other fun things each week. You can also interact with other Facilitators! Connect with me on Linked In<>! Training Wheels Linked In Company Profile: Training Wheels Group LLC<> Personify Leadership Linked In Company Profile: Personify Leadership<> Follow me on Twitter! @TrainingWheels1<> @PersonifyLeader<> @MichelleCSocial<> Personify Leadership [] Personify Leadership is a two-day leadership development program based on 8 core competencies. In this highly interactive and engaging program, your leaders will learn practical and hands-on tools for leading in your organization. Train the Trainer Certification Interested in being certified to deliver the Personify Leadership program? Once you have been through the certification process, there is no limit to how many times you can deliver the training. Certification includes all program materials, facilitation guide, power point presentations and an experiential training kit. Moving forward, for each person you put through the program you purchase one Participant Kit that includes a participant guide, job aids, and a profile report. Certification is $3450, and you can recoup your investment in the first time you deliver the course. Please email or call me if you would like to discuss this in greater detail! Here are our upcoming dates: * November 14-17, 2016 Ft Lauderdale, FL * February 13-16 2017 Singapore * February 27-March 2 Chicago, IL * April 17-20, 2017 Denver, CO * May 25-26, June 15-16 Atlanta, GA * June 19-22, 2017 Ft Lauderdale, FL * July 17-20, 2017 Houston, CO * September 18-21, 2017 Denver, CO * November 13-16, 2017 Ft Lauderdale, FL Click here<> to register. Where In the World is Michelle? Upcoming Conferences and Workshops where Michelle is presenting: [biking backpackers] Want to participate in one of Michelle's workshops? Is she near you? Piggy back a training for your organization when she is traveling near you. September 19-22, Personify Leadership<>, Denver, CO --Register now! September 28-30, Client program, Mary Esther, FL October 6-7, Client program, Nashotah, WI October 27-30, Association for Experiential Education<> conference, Minneapolis, MN November 4, Experiential Toolbox Workshop!<>, Manhattan, KS - Register now! November 14-17, Personify Leadership<>, Ft Lauderdale, FL Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Training Wheels, 7095 S. Garrison St., Littleton, CO 80128 SafeUnsubscribe™ [log in to unmask]<> Forward this email<> | Update Profile<> | About our service provider<> Sent by [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> in collaboration with [Constant Contact]<> Try it free today<>