I have a question for everyone about reflux exams and how old they can be for submission to insurance for approval for radiofrequency ablations or EVLT.  If you have a positive exam (>2 sec throughout the GSV at all levels) with varicosities taking off from the GSV can this be submitted a year later for the procedure?  I know that insurance companies are all different and that you can get multiple different answers from the same insurance company but in general given that reflux doesn’t fix itself and won’t go away does it really matter how old the study is if you have clear and concise documentation?  Do we have good fortune in submitting older studies?



Annie Davis, BA RVT

Coastal Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery

The Vein Center (Mon/Tues/Fri)

200 Griffin Road, Suite 6

Portsmouth, NH 03801

(P) 603-610-4430

(F) 603-610-4432


3 Terrascape Parkway

Somersworth, NH 03878

(P) 603-842-6060 x114

(F) 603-692-6040

“Blame= B  lame”  Rick Warren The Purpose Driven Life



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