Good day All,
I am looking for the following article.  

Author: Katsura T;Fujimoto M;Shizawa M;Hoshino A;Usui K;Yokoyama E;Hara M
Title: A retrospective cohort study on the risk assessment of newly certificated long-term care need of elderly individuals in a community: Basic checklist and specific health checkup.
Citation: J Rural Med 2017 Nov;12(2):68-84. doi: 10.2185/jrm.2932. Epub 2017 Nov 30
PMID: 29255523

Take care,

Ami Zanders │ Reference Librarian │ Library
Bermuda Hospitals Board │ PO Box HM 1023 │ Hamilton, Bermuda HMDX
T: 239-1303
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Exceptional Care. Strong Partnerships. Healthy Community.