At Crested Butte right now. I drove this Gawd awful rental car - a Veloster - over Monarch Pass yesterday in the snowstorm and it was 15 MPH for me down the W aspect - I was freaked out as Earl was in the Wolf Creek Pass song. Extreme low snow in Colorado - Telluride prior to yesterday only had a season to date snowfall of 18 inches.

With 11 inches new, ungroomed intermediate terrain is sking fun sans a few rocks. The Texans and Oklahomans are terrifying me as much as the Brits and Australians did a few weeks ago at Lake Louise Canada. There's outrageous expert terrain here but that ain't  opening soon for sure. I got lucky this morning when I ran into someone who had a 2 for 1 deal and needed someone to share it with, so whaddya know, I got a $60 ticket.

AIARE Course Leader Training starts for us on Tuesday. It was to be in Silverton but the snow drought shot that down and it's been moved to CB. I've been advised - maybe warned is more like it - by 2 separate sources that there's a cast of characters in this course so it'll be entertaining!

I just overheard someone whine about the icy conditions. 

Attached is a cure for homesickness here at Crested Butte that i saw waiting for first chair.

More coming......

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