Forwarding the latest NSF Proposal & Award Policy Newsletter




Dear Colleagues:


The Policy Office in the Division of Institution & Award Support at the National Science Foundation is pleased to release the latest edition of the NSF Proposal & Award Policy Newsletter


You may sign up to receive this newsletter automatically via NSF Update. This mechanism allows you to choose to be notified about NSF programs, policies and events. To do this, navigate to, and click on the envelope icon in the “Follow Us” section of the website. After entering your e-mail address, you can select the topics you’re interested in learning about. To receive this newsletter, check the boxes for Newsletters/ Journals and Publications: Policies and Procedures.


We hope that you will find the information in this latest edition to be useful.  If you have ideas for future topics to be addressed in the newsletter, please send them to [log in to unmask].









Jean Feldman

Head, Policy Office

Division of Institution & Award Support

National Science Foundation


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