Dear PIs, Business Managers, and Grant Administrators,
Effective July 1, 2018 there is a new Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Form to be utilized for all cost transfers onto or off from sponsored projects. Please refer to the
SPA Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Procedure Appendix B for guidance on when this non-payroll cost transfer form is required.
This new form has been updated to include a purchasing requirement section that applies to any transfer onto a sponsored project that originated from a purchase order between $10,001 and $25,000.
As stated in the previous communication sent out to campus from Purchasing Services:
Small Purchases either directly charged or transferred to a Sponsored Project (GCA01) will be required to obtain a minimum of two quotes from different suppliers prior to the purchase, unless using an
approved contracted supplier
or if the purchase is deemed a single sole source.
Along with adding this requirement to our cost transfer form, we have also updated the form and made it more user friendly. As of
July 1, 2018, this version is the only form that will be accepted by SPA. All other forms submitted with your journal, will be returned to the Unit for resubmission with the new version.
Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Form*
*Note: For best results in completing the interactive pdf, use Internet Explorer.
If you have any questions please contact your
SPA Financial Analyst.
Linda Serrantonio
Team Lead
Research Finance
University of Vermont
Sponsored Project Administration
217 Waterman
| 85 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05405-0160
P: 802-656-4194
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