You've got to check this out...(2 days left)

Police said that they are "reasonably confident" that an anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto published 27 minutes prior to the shooting on the website 8chan's /pol/ board titled The Inconvenient Truth, is linked to the suspect. 8chan moderators quickly removed the original post, though users continued sharing links to the manifesto. It expresses support for and inspiration by the Christchurch mosque shootings, along with worry about a "Hispanic invasion", automation, large corporations, and environmental degradation.

The manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory of The Great Replacement. The New York Times characterized the manifesto as racially extremist, noting the passage: "Hispanics will take control of the local and state government of my beloved Texas, changing policy to better suit their needs." It states that Hispanics and their intermarriage with whites would cause the loss of purity of race. It criticizes strict gun control laws in Europe, arguing these would make them unable to "repel" immigrants. It criticizes both the Democratic Party and Republican Party, saying that their politicians are either complacent or involved" in the "takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations." However, the manifesto states that "at least with Republicans, the process of mass immigration and citizenship can be greatly reduced." It warns that "heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold". It also states that the Democr!
 atic Party's appeal to an increasing number of Hispanics in the country would ultimately ensure Democratic Party dominance in the United States, a theory that has been promoted on right-wing radio shows. According to the document, the attack was meant to provide an "incentive" for Hispanics to "return to their home countries", thus dissolving "the Hispanic voting bloc" in the United States.

Some politicians and El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen mentioned the manifesto in updates with media outlets and press conferences in the early aftermath. While the police have not confirmed its authenticity, the manifesto was posted to 8chan before the first public reports of the shooting and identifies the type of weapon used in the attack; the suspect's name was revealed in a separate document in the original 8chan post. The owner of 8chan claimed that the shooter's alleged manifesto was not posted first to 8chan, but was from somewhere else, and that the killer did not post on 8chan. The owner suggested that the manifesto was instead posted on Instagram. A spokesman for Facebook, the owner of Instagram, responded that the suspect's Instagram account had not been active in over a year.