Is Your Partner Cheating? Find Out Today ago. Proailurus is the oldest known cat that occurred after the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event about 33.9 million years ago; fossil remains were excavated in France and Mongolia's Hsanda Gol Formation.[7] Fossil occurrences indicate that the Felidae arrived in North America earliest 25 million years ago. This is about 20 million years later than the Ursidae and the Nimravidae, and about 10 million years lateene between 20 and 16.6 million years ago, Pseudaelurus lived in Africa. Its fossil jaws were also excavated in geological formations of Europe's Vallesian, Asia's Middle Miocene and North America's late Hemingfordian to late re-toothed Machairodontinae evolved in Africa and migrated northwards in the Late Miocene.[29] With their large upper canines, they were adapted to prey on large-bodied megaherbivores.[30][31] Miomachairodus is the oldest known member of this subfamily. Metailurus lived in Africa and Eurasia between 8 and 6 million years ago. Several Paramachaer! odus skeletons were found in Spain. Homotherium appeared in Africa, Eurasia and North America around 3.5 million years ago, and Megantereon about 3 million years ago. Smilodon lived in North and South America from about 2.5 million years ago. This subfamily became extinct in the Late Pleistocech as by parallel navigation, as it closes on the prey.[39] Many pursuit predators use camouflage to approach the prey as close as possible unobserved (stalking) before starting the pursuit.[39] Pursuit predators include terrestrial mammals such as lions, cheetahs, and wolves; marine predators such as dolphins and many predatory fishes, such as tuna;[46][47] predatory birds (raptors) such as falcons; and insects such as dragonflice or persistence hunting, in which the predator tires out the prey by following it over a long distance, sometimes for hours at a time. The method is useible to kill creatures larger than those they could overpower singly; for example, hyenas, and wolves colla! borate to catch and kill herbivores as large as buffalo, and lions even hunt elephants.[53][54][55] It can also make prey more readily available through strategies like flushing of prey and herding it into a smaller area. For example, when mixed flocks of birds forage, the birds in front flush out insects that are caught by the birds behind. Spinner dolphins form a circle around a school of fish and move inwards, concentrating the fish by a factor of 200.[56] By hunting socially chimpanzees can catch colobus monkeys that would readily escape an indd by human hunter-gatherers and in canids such as African wild dogs and domestic hounds. The African wild dog is an extreme persistence predator, tiring out individual prey by following them for many miles at relatively low speed, compared for example to the cheetah's brief high-speed pursuidation is the lunge feeding of baleen whales. These very large marine predators feed on plankton, especially krill, diving and actively swimming into concentrations of plankton, and then taking a huge gulp of wate! r and filtering it through their , like the lion and woliving Felidae species descended from a common ancestor, which originated in Asia in the Late Miocene epoch. They migrated to Africa, Europe and the Americas in the course of at least 10 migration waves during the past ~11 million years. Low sea levels, interglacial and glacial periods facilitated these migrations.[32] Panthera blytheae is the oldest known pantherine cat dated to the late Messinian to early Zanclean ages about 4.1–5.95 million years ago. A fossil skull was excavated in 2010 in Zanda County on the Tibetan Plateau.[33] Panthera palaeosinensis from North China probably dates to the Late Miocene or Early Pliocene. The skull of the holotype is similar to that of a lion or leopard.[34] Panthera zdanskyi dates to the Gelasian about 2.55–2.16 million years ago. Several fossil skulls and jawbones were excavated in northwestern China.[35] Panthera gombaszoegensis is the earliest known pantherine cat that live! d in Europe between 1.95 and 1.77 million lids fall into eight evolutionary lineages or species clades.[37][38] Genotyping of nuclear DNA of all 41 felid species revealed that hybridization between species occurred in the course of evolution