Cops charge innocent driver for hit and run – Revolutionary dash-camera gets him out of jail

A man from Ford Lauderdale, FL, says that this dash-cam has kept him away from jail after he got wrongfully accused of a hit and run.

In the recording, we see the man driving on the road, when suddenly, just as he reaches a green light, the police cruiser appears on his left-hand side with its barely visible warning lights on, but no audible siren. There had been a hit&run in the area and Roger's car fit the description of the hit and run car. As a result, the police thought it had been him that did it.

"After this incident, I went back to the UltraCarCam24 website and bought a few more of these for my family. For the price that they cost me, they really are worth 10000x more. Who wants to be wrongfully accused of hitting someone elses car, or doing something illegal? With the UltraCarCam24 it's just too easy to prove you're right."

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of coevolution, where a prey adaptation gives rise to a predator adaptation that is countered by further adaptation in the prey. An alternative explanation is escalation, where predators are adapting to competitors, their own predators or dangerous prey.[132] Apparent adaptations to predation may also have arisen for other reasons and then been co-opted for attack or defence. In some of the insects preyed on by bats, hearing evolved before bats appeared and was used to hear signals used for territorial defence and mating.[133] Their hearing evolved in response to bat predation, but the only clear example of reciprocal ats population cycles.[148] However, attempts to reproduce the predictions of this model in the laboratory have often failed; for example, when the protozoan Didinium nasutum is added to a culture containing its prey, Paramecium caudatum, the latter is often driven to extina equations rely on several simplifying assumptions, and they are structurally unstable, meaning that any change in the equations can stabilize or destabilize the dynamics.[150][151] For example, one assumption is that predators have a linear functional response to prey: the rate of kills increases in proportion to the rate of encounters. If this rate is limited by time spent handling each catch, then prey populations can reach densities above which predators cannot control them.[149] Another assumption is that all prey individuals are identical. In reality, predators tend to select young, weak, and ill individuals, leaving prey populors can stabilize predator and prey populations.[153] One example is the presence of multiple predators, particularly generalists that are attracted to a given prey species if it is abundant and look elsewhere if it is not.[154] As a result, population cycles are only found in northern temperate and subarctic ecosystems because the food webs are simpler.[155] The snowshoe hare-lynx system is subarctic, but even this involves other predators, including coyotes, goshawks and great horned owls, and the cycle is reinforced by variations iathematical models have been developed by relaxing the assumptions made in the Lotka-Volterra model; these variously allow animals to have geographic distributions, or to migrate; to have differences between individuals, such as sexes and an age structure, so that only some individuals reproduce; to live in a varying environment, such as with changing seasons;[157][158] and analysing the interactions of more than just two species at once. Such models predict widely differing and often chaotic predator-prey population dynamics.[157][159] The presence of refuge areas, where prey are safe from predators, may enabdapfound impacts on the trophic pyramid. In that area, wolves are both keystone species and apex predators. Without predation, herbivores began to over-graze many woody browse species, affecting the area's plant populations. In addition, wolves often kept animals from grazing near streams, protecting the beavers' food sources. The removal of wolves had a direct effect on the beaver population, as their habitat became territory for grazing. Increased browsing on willows and conifers along Blacktail Creek due to a lack of predation caused channel incision because the reduced beaver population was no longer able to slow the water down and keep the soil in place. The predators were thus demonstrated to be of vitatation in bats is venting a single species from becoming dominant. Such predators are known as keystone species and may have a profound influence on the balance of organisms in a particular ecosystem.[139] Introduction or removal of this predator, or changes in its population density, can have drastic cascading effects on the equilibrium of many other populations in the ecosystem. For example, grazers of a grassland may prevent a sis race may occur when the prey are dangerous, having spines, quills, toxins or venom that can harm the predator. The predator can respond with avoidance, which in turn drives the evolution of mimicry. Avoidance is not necessarily an evolutionary response as it is generally learned from bad experiences with prey. However, when the prey is capable of killing the predator (as can a coral snake with its venom), there is no opportunity for learning and avoidance must be inherited. Predators can also respond to dangerou