What if one day you could take a probiotic that made you run faster, jump higher, and recover like wolverine? Sound like something straight out of a movie, doesn’t it?

But what if we were to tell you that athletes already have an edge over their competition due to their high performance gut microbiome. This is because their gut bacteria significantly impacts how well they perform and how fast they recover.

When it comes to athletic performance, the microbes in our gut influence:
  Gut microbiome discoveries have researchers exploring questions like:
  You probably aren't surprised to hear that these scientific findings have led to the quest for performance-based prebiotics and probiotics. But what’s even more interesting is that some scientists believe they will be able to mine the gut microbiomes of ultra athletes to help others.

It’s undeniable that the gut microbiome has an impact on athletic ability, which is why knowing what you should eat for gut microbiome health is essential. Fortunately, we live in a time where we can see the activity of the gut microbiome with high resolution technology, like the metatranscriptomic sequencing Viome uses. Viome is a gut microbiome and food sensitivity test that finds you ideal diet. With your Viome recommendations, you’ll know exactly what to eat to hack your gut for better health.

Ready to discover your ideal diet for optimal health? Sign up for Viome today.


nated from the cantonal troops of the Old Swiss Confederacy, called upon in cases of external threats by the Tagsatzung or by the canton in distress. In the federal treaty of 1815, the Tagsatzung prescribed cantonal troops to put a contingent of 2% of the population of each canton at the federation's disposition, amounting to a force of some 33,000 men. The cantonal armies were converted into the federal army (Bundesheer) with the constitution of 1848. From this time, it was illegal for the individual cantons to declare war or to sign capitulations or peace agreements. Paragraph 13 explicitly prohibited the federation from sustaining a standing army, and the cantons were allowed a maximum standing force of 300 each (not including the Landjäger corps, a kind of police force). Paragraph 18 declared the "obligation" of every Swiss citizen to serve in the federal army if conscripted (Wehrpflicht), setting its size at 3% of the population plus a reserve of one and one half that number, amounting to a total force of some 80,000.. A Swiss Army exercise in 1896. Painting by Joseph Clemens Kaufmann The first complete mobilization, under the command of Hans Herzog, was triggered by the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. In 1875, the army was called in to cru, a Viennese neurologist who studied with Jean-Martin Charcot in 1885, is often considered the father of modern psychotherapy. His methods included analyzing dreams for important insights that layout of awareness of the dreamer. Other major elements of his methods, which changed throughout the years, included identification of childhood sexuality, the role of anxiety as a manifestation of inner conflict, the differentiation of parts of the psyche (id, ego, superego), transference and countertransference (the patient's projections onto the therapist, and the therapist's emotional responses to that). Some of his concepts were too broad to be amenable to empirical testing and invalidation, and he was critiqued for this by Jaspers. Numerous major figures elaborated and refined Freud's therapeutic techniques including Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and others. Since the 1960s, however, the use of Freudian-based analysis for the treatment of mental disorders has declined substantially. Different types of psychotherapy have been created along with the advent of clinical trials to test them scientifically. These incorporate subjective treatments (after Beck), behavioral treatments (after Skinner and Wolpe) and additional time-constrained and centered structures, for example, interpersonal psychotherapy. In youth issue and in schizophrenia, the systems of family treatment hold esteem. A portion of the thoughts emerging from therapy are presently pervasive and some are a piece of the tool set of ordinary clinicalsh a strike of workers at the Gotthard tunnel. Four workers were killed and 13 were severely wounded. Paragraph 19 of the revised constitution of 1874 extended the definition of the federal army to every able-bodied male citizen, swelling the size of the army (at least in theory) from under 150,000 to more than 700,000, with population growth during the 20th century rising further to some 1.5 million, the second largest armed force per capita after the Israel Defense Forces. A major manoeuvre commanded in 1912 by Ulrich Wille, a reputed Germanophile, convinced visiting European heads of state, in particular Kaiser Wilhelm II, of the efficacy and determination of Swiss defences.[8] Wille was subsequently put in command of the second complete mobilization in 1914, and Switzerland escaped invasion in the course of World War I. Wille also ordered the suppression of the 1918 general strike (Landesstreik) with military force. Three workers were killed, and a rather larger number of soldiers died of the Spanish flu during mobilization. In 1932, the army was called to suppress an anti-fascist demonstration in Gen