Power Efficent
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An international backlash against Goga's staunch antisemitism had also made Carol reconsider his choices. Initially, he favored creating a new majority coalition with the Iron Guard and the PNÈš (though demanding that Maniu be kept out of any such formula).[134] Goga was deposed on February 10, 1938, when all political groups prepared for repeat elections. The Peasant Guards had been revived in January, taking the name of "Maniu Guards", and were divided into two main commands: Lazăr took over in Transylvania, and General Rujinschi in the Old Kingdom.[135] The project also involved Victor Jinga, tasked by Maniu with supervising the Guards' expansion into the provinces.[136] At the height of the electoral campaign, the PNÈš and the PNL sought to obtain a new understanding with Carol, fearing that the PNC and the Iron Guard would form a powerful fascist alliance, and then a totalitarian state.[137] Under pressure from the PNÈš base, Maniu revoked the pact with the Iron Guard, leaving that group entirely isolated on the political scene.[138] He had instead initiated talks with the PÈšR. This produced a "common constitutional front" before January 18, with negotiations continuing for the PNL's adherence to it.[139] The PNÈš again sought grassroots communist support: in Vâlcea County, it shared a list with the "Democratic Union", assigning eligible positions to a PCdR militant Mihail RoÈ™ianu and a communist-sympathizing priest, Ioan Marina.[140] Carol rejected Maniu's proposals, and used the opportunity for an anti-democratic self-coup. Despite vocal protests by Maniu and the PNL's Dinu Brătianu,[141] he inaugurated a royal dictatorship, leading to the creation of a catch-all National Renaissance Front (FRN). The PNÈš attempted to sabotage the authoritarian Constitution, instructing members to cast a negative vote in the February 24 plebiscite.[142] The attempt was unsuccessful, and the party continued to lose ground over the following months. On March 30,[143] it was outlawed together with all other traditional parties. The new government integrated much of the PNÈš's center, with Călinescu at Interior Affairs; Andrei, Ghelmegeanu, and Ralea, alongside Grigore Gafencu and Traian IonaÈ™cu, became prominent FRN dignitaries,[144] as did Moldovan.[36] Gusti and Rădulescu-Motru were also co-opted into joining the exodus during late 1938.[145] More junior PNÈš-ists such as Adrian Brudariu abandoned the National Peasantist cause, allegedly joining the FRN for material benefits.[146] Maniu and Popovici could still count on their core Transylvanian constituency, which helped them circulate a December 1938 memorandum calling on Carol to restore civil liberties.[147] Coposu was arrested and detained for distributing copies of that document.[148] Călinescu tacitly allowed the PNÈš and PNL to preserve parts of their infrastructures