Hi Betty,


I will follow-up with you off of MUNINET. Cabot is a reappraisal town and there are a few missing steps before we can get you your Education Tax Rates.




Casey Michael O’Hara | Program Manager

Property Valuation and Review Division | Vermont Department of Taxes

(802) 828-6834 | 133 State Street | Montpelier, VT 05633-1401 | tax.vermont.gov


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From: Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Betty
Sent: August 11, 2020 9:03 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Digitization of Land Records Grant Application is now available


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Jill I am checking about if you have the education rate for cabot or if I missed it. Thank you 


Betty Town of Cabot 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 31, 2020, at 11:17 AM, Remick, Jill <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Subject: Digitization of Land Records Grant Application is now available


Vermont's municipal offices that have been impacted by COVID-19 closures now have an opportunity to digitize their municipal land records, under a grant program created under Act 137 of 2020.



  • The deadline for grant application submissions is September 1, 2020.





The Vermont Legislature has appropriated $2 million to assist municipalities in digitizing land records for online public access. The Agency of Administration, through the Vermont Department of Taxes, is responsible for distributing the grant funds.


The grants are being issued to provide economic support to town offices which have been impacted by increased customer demand due to the COVID-19 public health emergency but are otherwise unable to successfully allow those customers to search land records. Land records are defined in 24 VSA Sec. 1154.

The funds can be used both to pay necessary expenditures that municipalities face and costs directly associated to digitizing land records.


The Agency of Administration has set a grant cap of $20,000 and will review applications prior to disbursement to promote geographic equity in distributing the funds. The Agency has sought advice from municipal stakeholders to ensure that the grant cap will have a meaningful impact on the ability of the public to access digitized land records online. 


For More Information

Additional guidance on Coronavirus Municipal Grants is available here:


  • The “Funding through Municipal Grants” webpage will be updated frequently:





Jill Remick | Director

Property Valuation and Review Division | Vermont Department of Taxes

(802) 828-6639 | 133 State Street | Montpelier, VT 05633-1401 | tax.vermont.gov


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