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Onderwerp: correct link: Invitation: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: science in the spotlight - An online public Round Table, Tuesday 6 Oct. 2020, 13:30 – 17:30 CEST
Datum: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 15:44:00 +0000
Van: ENSSER e.V. <[log in to unmask]>
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SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: science in the spotlight

An online public Round Table

Tuesday 6 Oct. 2020, 13:30 – 17:30 CEST

The current pandemic and the socioeconomic measures to control it have created a lot of controversy. Governments claim that their control measures are based on science. Scientists are indeed making progress in understanding the pandemic and the virus – yet to date there is virtually no aspect of it about which science has been able to provide certainty.

In this Round Table, ENSSER will discuss the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic with a panel of three experts. They will provide their insights from their own field of knowledge, after which they will engage in discussion with each other and with the audience.


Dr. Michael Antoniou (molecular geneticist, King's College London School of Medicine):
"SARS-CoV-2: natural original or laboratory creation? Does it matter?"
Evidence will be presented for either a natural animal to human transmission or laboratory manipulation and escape for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Discussion as to whether it matters or not to know the origin of SARS-CoV-2 will also be presented.

Prof. Ignacio Chapela (microbial ecologist and mycologist, University of California, Berkeley):
"Agnotology in CoviD: A Historical Event, Orphaned of the Scientific Regard"
The CoviD situation reveals many aspects of how we relate to the natural world in the 21st Century. This is particularly poignant for the sciences. In this presentation, Ignacio Chapela will address questions such as: What scientific discipline is relevant to address the CoviD situation? What scientific information has been overlooked? Which alternatives have been left unexplored to produce a socially- and environmentally-responsible outcome from this challenge? Interdisciplinarity, context-sensitive science and a socially-committed practice of science can enlighten useful avenues in the current situation and the many other similar ones to come. A finer analysis of the situation will be offered from the perspective of the microbial ecologist/evolutionary biologist.

Prof. Giuseppe Longo (mathematician and epistemologist, CNRS-Ens, Paris):
"Organisms and ecosystems like machines: some consequences of the mechanistic bias on nature"
Organisms are programmable machines and ecosystems are reservoirs of and for those machines. This mechanistic view of nature serves as the bottom line of knowledge, leading us to think we can safely manipulate any organism (plants, viruses) and drive it into the ecosystem. This kind of science has degenerated to computational algorithms imposed on man and nature. Alternative scientific views are needed, and above all a precautionary principle for science, to move us away from this.


13:30 – 15:30 CEST:    presentations by each of the speakers
16:00 – 17:30 CEST:    Round Table discussion between speakers and audience

Dr. Angelika Hilbeck (agricultural ecologist, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)


Participants are invited to enter into oral discussion with the speakers or to submit written questions during the event. Participants entering the discussion or asking questions will be requested to state their name and affiliation. By registering for the event, participants give their permission to publish their names, remarks and their video image online.

The zoom webinar will also be recorded.

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The European Network
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Jonathan Latham, PhD
Executive Director
The Bioscience Resource Project, 
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA


Tel: 1-607-319-0279
Skype: jonathanlatham2
Twitter and Facebook: @Biosrp 
Please sign on to our mailing list: 

Notice: Please forgive any delays and slow news. I am writing a book about genetics and genetic determinism.

It is provisionally titled: The Myth of The Master Molecule: DNA and the Social Order

The contention of the book is that the key organising principle of Western thought is the seemingly innocuous and seemingly simple idea that our personal qualities are biologically inherited. That is, our character derives from our ancestors rather than being an always-adapting product of our own experiences, decisions, and education. The book makes the case, first, that genetic determinism is a scientific fallacy. Organisms are self-organised systems and therefore are not genetically determined. Second, the explanation for the myth, which originated in Mesopotamia before 6,000 years ago, is its utility. Genetic determinism rationalises political systems based on genetic privilege. The result was the dismantling of ancient cultures based on inclusiveness and egalitarianiism and their transformation into rigid structures of authoritarian domination based on separation and division: into families, classes, races, nations, sexes (i.e. patriarchy), and species. The final proposition of the book is that propagating the myth was the chief aim of Zoroastrianism and all the Abrahamic religions. Since the 1850s, this role has been appropriated by science. By recognizing how the founding myth of Western civilization is being re-told in the language of science we can start to dismantle and replace it with a more humane and scientific understanding of the world.

Jonathan Latham, PhD
Executive Director
The Bioscience Resource Project, 
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA


Tel: 1-607-319-0279
Skype: jonathanlatham2
Twitter and Facebook: @Biosrp 
Please sign on to our mailing list: 

Notice: Please forgive any delays and slow news. I am writing a book about genetics and genetic determinism.

It is provisionally titled: The Myth of The Master Molecule: DNA and the Social Order

The contention of the book is that the key organising principle of Western thought is the seemingly innocuous and seemingly simple idea that our personal qualities are biologically inherited. That is, our character derives from our ancestors rather than being an always-adapting product of our own experiences, decisions, and education. The book makes the case, first, that genetic determinism is a scientific fallacy. Organisms are self-organised systems and therefore are not genetically determined. Second, the explanation for the myth, which originated in Mesopotamia before 6,000 years ago, is its utility. Genetic determinism rationalises political systems based on genetic privilege. The result was the dismantling of ancient cultures based on inclusiveness and egalitarianiism and their transformation into rigid structures of authoritarian domination based on separation and division: into families, classes, races, nations, sexes (i.e. patriarchy), and species. The final proposition of the book is that propagating the myth was the chief aim of Zoroastrianism and all the Abrahamic religions. Since the 1850s, this role has been appropriated by science. By recognizing how the founding myth of Western civilization is being re-told in the language of science we can start to dismantle and replace it with a more humane and scientific understanding of the world.