We had a flock of about 20 redpolls 2 days ago - always a warming sight in

On Sat, Jan 2, 2021 at 1:46 PM Maeve Kim <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Someone posted a few days ago asking where redpolls and siskins have gone.
> We’ve got upwards of 15 Common Redpolls (one a big bruiser of the Greenland
> variety) at our feeders, and I’m pretty sure I heard a siskin this morning
> but we haven’t seen one yet. There are at least 5  Pine Grosbeaks in the
> huge spruce trees across the road. Love this irruption winter!!!
> Maeve Kim, Jericho Center

Best regards,


Leslie Nulty
P.O. Box 1121
Jericho Center, VT 05465
home office: 802-899-4582
cell: 802-324-1496