There were +/- 60 redpolls in a tree right across Lake Road from the overflow parking lot at Charlotte Town Beach yesterday afternoon. Maeve Kim, Jericho Center > On Jan 1, 2021, at 7:58 PM, Charlie La Rosa <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > > No. Trump is not sketching chickadees with his Sharpie now. > > A chickadee was headed to the feeder outside the kitchen window, suddenly > veered, bumped into the glass pane, and landed on a nearby pine branch. It > perched there, still as a fence post. I thought it was stunned from its > encounter with the window pane. After a minute or so, a sharp-shinned hawk > flew in and rather casually grabbed the chickadee and flew off around the > back of the garage. Like taking a box of cereal off the pantry shelf. The > chickadee never seemed to attempt to evade the hawk. > > Then I noticed another chickadee on a nearby lilac branch. It, too, was > motionless as could be. It remained so for several minutes until it began > to move its bill slightly, a little up, a little left, a little right, then > rotated its entire head from the neck. After a few more seconds, it flew > into the pines and began looking for seeds on the snow beneath. > > Not sure what that might augur for 2021. It wasn't a good start for at > least one chickadee, however. > > On another note, anyone know where the redpolls and siskins have gone? > > Happy New Year and great birding to all! > > Charlie > So. Washington > > *“The solution to any problem---work, love, money, whatever---is to go > fishing, and the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be.”* > > ~ John Gierach, from *Standing in a River Waving a Stick*