You will have more success with a metatarsal cuff and a digital toe cuff, TBI using a PPG for the pressure. 
Very often ABI’s are falsely elevated due to diabetes plus 255 ! 
The levels can be found on a search for TBI ranges.
Thank you for your question,
Denise Levy, RDMS, RVT
Hill Vascular and Vein Center
Vascular Lab Director 

On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 5:02 PM Bill Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Harvey i do believe your question is quite valid!
Personally I can only recount a few cases and I know there was a point beyond which I would not increase the probe pressure.  "Do no harm seemed a good idea then and still.
So, what do you do in these cases?  I assume you do some type of follow-up?  Any lessons for us still learning?

On Mon, May 31, 2021, 4:24 PM Harvey Wilson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I've often wondered about getting non comp ABI's on wound clinic patients who have severe edema or something like  Elaphantiasis Nostras. How much does hardening and thickening of tissue contribute in cases like these vs plain old calcification? I thought I'd post this here as I don't have anyone here to bounce ideas off.


Harvey Wilson RVT RDMS RDCS

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