You will have more success with a metatarsal cuff and a digital toe cuff,
TBI using a PPG for the pressure.
Very often ABI’s are falsely elevated due to diabetes plus 255 !
The levels can be found on a search for TBI ranges.
Thank you for your question,
Denise Levy, RDMS, RVT
Hill Vascular and Vein Center
Vascular Lab Director

On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 5:02 PM Bill Johnson <[log in to unmask]>

> Harvey i do believe your question is quite valid!
> Personally I can only recount a few cases and I know there was a point
> beyond which I would not increase the probe pressure.  "Do no harm seemed a
> good idea then and still.
> So, what do you do in these cases?  I assume you do some type of
> follow-up?  Any lessons for us still learning?
> On Mon, May 31, 2021, 4:24 PM Harvey Wilson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've often wondered about getting non comp ABI's on wound clinic patients
>> who have severe edema or something like  Elaphantiasis Nostras. How much
>> does hardening and thickening of tissue contribute in cases like these vs
>> plain old calcification? I thought I'd post this here as I don't have
>> anyone here to bounce ideas off.
>> Thanks,
>> Harvey Wilson RVT RDMS RDCS
>> Victoria
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