Dear UVM Community,
We write to inform you of UVM’s transition to a virtual permit program effective August 2, 2021. We communicated this information last Friday in an email that was intended to educate the UVM community on the implementation of our License Plate Recognition (LPR) System for parking enforcement and virtual permitting.  We understand some members of the UVM community have hesitated to open the message due to its brevity and for the generic non-UVM email address the system used to send the message. We apologize for any confusion such communication may have caused. We want to reassure you the message that originated from our Parking Management Software System last Friday was not a phishing scam.
We encourage you to visit our Transportation and Parking Services website for specific details about the LPR System.

Please make sure to direct questions or concerns to our [log in to unmask] email address and not the Parking Management Software <[log in to unmask]> address.
Thanks in advance for your review of our new virtual permitting system.
Thank You
Jim Barr
Director for Transportation, Parking
     and Sustainable Transportation Services
University of Vermont
(802) 656-8784