Dear UVM SPA Community:


Please see the announcements below and visit the NSF and NIH websites for more information regarding the virtual workshops. Once registration has opened sessions fill up quickly so, please sign up as soon as possible. Both workshops are free of charge.



Fall 2021 NSF Virtual Grants Conference

October 4-8, 2021

Registration: Opens on Wednesday, September 8 at 12 p.m. EST  TOMORROW!


NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration

November 1-4, 2021

Registration: Opens soon




Julie Macy | Team Lead | Signing Official

Proposal Submission | Award Administration

University of Vermont

Sponsored Project Administration

217 Waterman | 85 South Prospect Street

Burlington, VT 05405-0160

Can be reached by MS Teams or email until further notice

SPA’s Office Hours Mon-Fri 8-4:30

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