Good morning, fellow medlibbers. I have a patron who would like to submit tothe official journal of the American Association of Surgical Physician Assistants (AASPA). He would like to submit either a case study or an In Brief article. If you could send one of each, we'd appreciate it. Be well and keep safe, Mary Shah *Mary Shah, MLS AHIP* Medical Librarian & Archivist Medical Library/Norwalk Hospital* CTUNRK* *O* (203) 852 2793 mary [dot] shah [at] nuvancehealth [dot] org pronouns: she/her/hers [image: INAUGURAL SCHOLAR EMAIL SIGNATURE LINE (1)] This transmittal is intended for a particular addressee(s). If it is not clear that you are the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal in error; any review, copying or distribution or dissemination is strictly prohibited. If you suspect that you have received this transmittal in error, please notify Nuvance Health immediately by email reply to the sender, and delete the transmittal and any attachments.