Thank you Kent. Photograph taken by Dolly Holton. She says it was taken 1pm 22March2023. Location is Morey Hill Rd, WolcottNot a Mourning Cloak of course! A Milbert's Tortoiseshell. Happy spring!VeerWednesday 1pm. Mar 22,2023 n wolcott
On 3/25/2023 at 2:20 PM, "Kent McFarland" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:Send it to me with location and date and I can get it into the databaseThanksKent--My friend took photo of basking Mourning Cloak on the snow, I've advised re eButterfly and iNaturalist but they are sugaring. It would be a shame to miss this record, but I'm not sure how to proceed esp whether I'm allowed to gather info and submit. or even if I can send the photo if I didn't take it...!!thanks, Veer Frost Passumpsic NEK